Electronic Device Policy
ECHEM's policy around the use of electronic devices (cell phones, wireless headphones, non-DOE issued laptops/tablets, and smart watches) is that students are not permitted to have unpouched electronic devices on their person during the school day.
Please be advised that for the purpose of this policy, electronic devices are defined as cell phones, wireless headphones, and smart watches etc.
So long as the electronic device is powered off and locked in a Yondr pouch, it can neither be seen nor heard, and therefore will not be confiscated. We strongly recommend that students keep their pouched electronic devices in their NYCDOE assigned locker throughout the school day. Another option is to place it inside of your backpack.
Any student observed pouching a second device instead of their primary device will have both devices confiscated.
There are no excuses for having an electronic device outside of your Yondr pouch during the school day.
Below is a list of common excuses given, none of which are acceptable:
- Entrance Procedure
Upon entry to ECHEM, students are to place all electronic devices into a school-provided YONDR pouch.
Daily Process
- Exit Procedure
As students exit the school building for dismissal ECHEM staff will unlock students’ YONDR pouches. The ECHEM issued YONDR pouches will be returned to the school in the condition to which they were received by students.
- Late Arrival + Early Dismissal
Students who arrive late or are authorized to leave early from school must lock/unlock their electronic devices in the following areas:
- Main Office
- School Lobby
- Administrator’s Office
- Students Who Do Not Own/Have CellPhones
Students who do not own cell phones and therefore will not pouch a phone at school must bring in a No Cell Phone Verification form signed by a parent with a phone number at which the school can confirm the form’s validity. If this status should change and the student will be bringing a cell phone to school, the school must be notified immediately Any student who hands in the form but is found with a cell phone will have their cell phone confiscated and a parent meeting will be required to receive their phone back.
For students who have had their electronic devices taken away by their parent/guardian or they left it at home, they will report to the main office upon entry and have their parents contacted for verification.
- Open Lunch
Students are permitted to have their electronic devices during open lunch periods. At the end of open lunch, students must lock their cell phones back into their YONDR pouches until the end of the school day. If students have an electronic device that is not in a YONDR pouch after lunch, they will not be allowed to go out for open lunch the following day and their phone will be confiscated and returned at the conclusion of the school day.
Damage to a Yondr Pouch
Yondr pouches will be checked each day at morning entry. Any evidence of tampering with the lock or damage to the pouch (including pen marks, ripped pouch material, and/or bending or clamping of the pouch’s needle) will result in the pouch and electronic device being confiscated.
Damage consists of any signs that the physical integrity of the pouch has been compromised, whether intentional or unintentional, as determined by ECHEM. This includes but is not limited to, rips, cuts, tears, and/or evidence of force to the black button on the back or opened in any way other than prescribed by ECHEM. If the pouch is damaged: The student/their caregiver is responsible for purchasing a new Pouch ($25) The student also serves a 2:40 - 4:00 P.M. detention on that day and cannot attend clubs, sports, dances or any extracurriculars that day.
Example of Damage
Damage includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Ripped
- Cut
- Torn
- Inappropriate markings
- Bent/cut pin
- Signs of force to black button on flap
- Retrieving Electronic Devices
Electronic devices that are confiscated throughout the day will not be returned until a parent/guardian comes in to retrieve the device. Electronic items will not be returned to individuals, family, or friends not listed on the student’s emergency contact form/blue card. Other items can be returned to the student at the end of the school day. Items that are not picked up by the end of the 2024-2025 school year from the day they are confiscated are subject to donation. ECHEM is not responsible for replacing items that have been donated after being left and not picked up by the end of the school year.
- Response procedure for a student who is in possession of an unpouched electronic device
- Response procedure if a YONDR pouch is purposely DAMAGED
Family Frequently Asked Questions
My child follows the current electronic device policy without fault. Why are they being punished (i.e. losing access to their electronic devices) because of the behaviors of others?
Limiting access to electronic devices during school hours should not be considered a punishment. In alignment with ongoing research and in response to the survey data recently collected by the leadership team, this change in policy is to help increase both academic and social engagement for your child at school. Any anti-social behaviors that are also negated by the removal of electronic devices from school is an additional benefit.
What if my student does not have an electronic device or smartphone?
Students who do not have a cell phone or smartphone, must fill out a form stating so. Students will still be issued a pouch and will be expected to always keep the pouch in their possession. A laminated card will be provided to the student to show staff that they will not have a smartphone in their pouch.
What if I want to reach my child during the school day?
We want our students to be engaged in their learning; however, if a situation arises that cannot wait until school is dismissed, please contact the main office at (212) 225-0998.
What if there is an emergency?
In case of an emergency, we direct our students to safety first. School staff will be able to unlock a Yondr pouch for students once they are in a safe and secure location.
Will my child’s electronic device be safe?
Students will retain possession of their electronic devices, securely encased within Yondr pouches, throughout each class period. We will encourage students to safely stow the pouches in their backpacks
What if my student is a dual enrolled student at the Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC)?
Students who attend BMCC can unlock their electronic device in the main office or with an administrator prior to leaving campus
What about student athletes that leave early for a game?
Student-athletes will be able to unlock their electronic device in the main office or with an administrator prior to leaving campus
What if the pouch gets damaged?
The Yondr pouch belongs to The New York City Department of Education just like any other school supply.
If a student damages a Yondr pouch, he/she will be held responsible and will be required to purchase a replacement pouch from the school.
Damage includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Ripped
- Cut
- Torn
- Inappropriate markings
- Bent/cut pin
- Signs of force to black button on flap
The student’s electronic device will be confiscated, and a parent must come to school to retrieve it. In an effort to best serve your child, we appreciate your full support in adoption of the Yondr Program at our school. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school directly (212) 225-0998
How will the Yondr Pouch process work at arrival and dismissal?
- All students will be assigned a Yondr pouch
- The pouch is the property of UASEM and is considered a loan to the student during the school year.
- Upon entering school, students will turn off their electronic device, place them inside of the Yondr pouch, and lock it in front of the designated UASEM staff.
- If a student needs to leave school early for an approved early dismissal, medical emergency, work, athletic event, or other school-sponsored trip, unlocking bases will be available to allow for a quick opening of the pouch.
What if a student refuses to put their device in their Yondr Pouch?
- The parent will be notified
- Students will be subject to disciplinary consequences as per NYCDOE Citywide Behavioral Expectations to Support Student Learning
What if my child has an Apple Watch or other Bluetooth devices like headphones? How are these affected by the change in policy?
All electronic devices are to be switched off before they are locked in the Yondr pouch which will eliminate their connectivity to smart watches and their messaging functionality. Headphones are to also be placed in Yondr pouches. It will be assumed that any student seen with headphones that are not connected to a laptop with a cord are using them in conjunction with a mobile phone and, therefore, will be subject to the consequences of that behavior as stated in the new mobile phone policy.
Student Frequently Asked Questions
Why is this being implemented at UASEM?
This is an effort to improve the learning environment, reduce classroom distractions, and foster better relationships on campus. Among schools that have implemented Yondr electronic device pouches, 69% of them saw an improvement in academic performance, 84% of them saw an increase in student engagement in the classroom, and 80% saw a decrease in behavior referrals. Our goal at UASEM is to increase the opportunities for quality learning and engagement and this plan contributes to that goal.
When do I need to lock my electronic device ?
You will insert your electronic device in your pouch and click the button on your pouch to lock it as you are entering the building.
When will my electronic device be unlocked?
After school or last instructional period of the day. There will be multiple stations around campus to unlock your electronic device as you leave. If you are involved in after-school activities, you will still be able to unlock it right after school. Students with an open lunch can unlock their phones prior to leaving the building
If I have an open lunch pass, am I allowed to unlock my electronic device at lunch?
Yes, you will be able to unlock your electronic device before you leave in the main lobby
If I DO NOT have an open lunch pass, am I allowed to unlock my electronic device at lunch?
What if we are seen with our electronic device ?
An administrator or dean will instruct you on the school’s device policy. You will then be directed to place your phone inside your Yondr pouch. Repeated infractions or refusal to comply will result in initiation of the tiered responses indicated above. This includes potential confiscation of your device and/or disciplinary action based on Citywide Behavioral Expectations.
What if there is an emergency on campus?
In case of an emergency, we direct our students to safety first. School staff will be able to unlock a Yondr pouch in a matter of seconds for students once they are in a safe and secure location. In the event Yondr pouches are in use during an emergency, pouches are allowed to be damaged or destroyed to reach their cell phone at no cost to the student.
What if we forget our pouch?
You will be required to leave your phone with the school administration/dean and parents will be contacted. This is considered an infraction which will result in initiation of the school’s disciplinary procedures.
What if we damage our pouch?
The pouch is property of the New York City Department of Education. You will be charged $25 for any lost or damaged pouches. Treat this as if it were a district laptop or textbook. It is your responsibility to care for it
What if we need to call our parent/guardian/younger sibling while in school?
You will need to go to the main office to make any calls during the school day. If you must go during class, teachers will send you with a pass.