How can I obtain an application to EChem?
- The high school application is made through the New York City Department of Education High School Admission process. If you are a student currently attending 8th grade in a New York City public school, you will receive an application from your middle school counselor. If you are a 9th grade NYC public school student interested in applying to 10th grade, you may request an application from your current high school guidance counselor. If you are a NYC public school student in 10th grade or above, please contact your current high school guidance counselor about your interest in transferring. If you are new to the New York City public school system, please contact your Borough Enrollment Office for information on how to apply. You can find your Borough Enrollment Office by calling 311 (from outside New York City, call 212-NEW-YORK) and giving the operator your address and child's age.
- Total Seats: 75 (General Education: 60/Students with Disabilities: 15).
What is the admissions code for EChem?
- If you decide that EChem is the right fit for you, make sure you properly rank us on your application with the High School Code M28A.
Do you extend waitlist offers?
- Yes - waitlist offers will be made.
I have been accepted to EChem, however I haven't been on a tour of the school. Will you offer any other tours?
- Yes, you may contact [email protected] to schedule your visit/tour. We will have a Chosen Students Night for accepted students and their parents/guardians once students have received and/or accepted offers.
How do I accept my offer?
- Navigate to the DOE Application Portal: MySchools
What is a typical 9th Grade course load?
Course #1: Spanish 1 or 2
Course #2: Living Environment or Earth Science
Course #3: Physical Education
Course #4: English
Course #5: Career Exploration (Fall Semester) and First Aid (Spring Semester)
Course #6: Algebra I or Algebra 2
Course #7: R.E.A.D.Y Lab/Advisory
Course #8: Global 9
Does UASEM offer bussing?
- All students who are not mandated to ride the yellow bus will be issued a student Metrocard. This is contingent upon how far you live from UASEM.
I am new to the NYC Public School System. How can I receive support in applying to UASEM?
- Students who are new to NYC public schools should contact a Family Welcome Center. Their office staff will respond to your request for support as soon as possible.
What does “dual enrollment” mean?
- Dual Enrollment means that some of the classes your child takes at the college will fulfill both high school diploma and college degree requirements. All college courses are reflected on student’s high school transcripts.
EChem has the same address as Murry Bergtraum High School, MAKER Academy, and MECA. How does that work?
- EChem, Murry Bergtraum High School, MAKER Academy, and MECA share the campus. Some of the spaces that are shared are the cafeteria, the library, the auditorium, science laboratories, the gymnasium, and weight room. It should be noted that we DO NOT occupy those spaces at the same time. UASEM has its own entrance, separate from other schools and our classes (with the exception of Physical Education) are located on different floors.
When will my child receive his/her schedule for the new school year?
- Students will receive their schedules on the FIRST day of school.
What school supplies are needed when school begins?
- Bring a pen and notebook on the first day of school. When you meet all your teachers, they will let you know which supplies are needed for each class
What is the Dress Code at EChem?
- Please be advised that uniforms are NOT REQUIRED however, they are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. Click here to purchase uniforms and here to learn about our Dress Code Policy.
You have so much information on your website however I can't seem to find what I am looking for. How do I navigate your site?
- Wherever you are on our website, in the upper right-hand corner, you will find a search field. If you are not able to find the information you are seeking, contact our Parent Coordinator, Ms. Diaz at [email protected]